"We never free a mind once it's reached a certain age. It's dangerous, the mind has trouble letting go." - Morpheus, The Matrix.
Mickey mouse
JoinedPosts by Mickey mouse
Should you ever tell tour aging parents the truth about the truth
by Star tiger insince finding out the truth about the truth myself and having successfully extricated myself and my parents about the jw's, i find myself with a new dilema that being they still believe the bible as a literal book for their salvation as i has read all of thomas paines works and how the bible is not very good for the human family, as they are of advancing years would it be inappropriate to shatter their illusions of some kind of paradise and let them flounder in a moral precipice and wonder what their lives have been about.
on the flip side once their time has come how would i feel for not telling them their false views.
at the moment i am in the deist point of view, with a tendency of the agnostic, it is quite a dilema!.
"Awake" 1973 says Witnesses should not play CHESS it's EVIL!!!
by Witness 007 inawake 73 march 22 p.12 "the spirit of competition between players can lead to unplesant circumstances...in some homes tensions linger long past checkmate...chess has been a game of war since it originated...the games conection to war is obvious....a play substitue for the art of war...there is a danger of stirring uo competition with one another even developing hostility with one another something the bible warns against....what effect does playing chess have on one?
is it a wholesome effect?
....there are questions regarding it that each one who plays chess should consider.".
Mickey mouse
Aaaahhh, this is why my parents didn't like me going to chess club.
Similarities between the Borg from Star Trek and the org?
by TimothyT incan you list any similarities between the borg from star trek and the organisation?.
timmy xx.
Mickey mouse
After a drone is liberated from the collective, they carry the scars of their former life.
For those of you who inactive, but not officially DFd/DAd, how do you manage?
by undercover ini read with interest the thread about how people who are mentally out yet still attend (some) meetings manage to do continue to do it and it got me wondering, how do those of us who are completely inactive, no longer practicing members of the faith, manage to pull off our new ex-jw life, yet never invite scrutiny or investigation from former friends, elders, etc.. take me, for example.
i've been out several years now, but have never officially renounced my faith.
i've never out and out called it a crock of shit to anyone who could make real trouble for me.
Mickey mouse
I'm not DA or DF but my family treat me as though I am. Job done.
I miss Watchtower Comments....
by Momma-Tossed-Me inperhaps he will resurface someday, his videos were the best quality..
Mickey mouse
I miss V/Watchtower Comments too.
Has anyone ever seen TruthBookBlues videos on YouTube? They're hilarious.
Yes, I think they are made by Wasanelder Once.
What's in it for the Governing Body? How about this?
by Mickey mouse inon another forum, someone recently started a thread asking what sort of lifestyle the watchtower elite enjoy.
it prompted me to do a little digging.
when the leaflet 'dress and grooming for visitors touring bethel' was published a few years ago, i thought the room below looked familiar.
Mickey mouse
It's worth visiting the blog to see more pictures; I'm not coomfortable with directly linking pictures with people in them.
What's in it for the Governing Body? How about this?
by Mickey mouse inon another forum, someone recently started a thread asking what sort of lifestyle the watchtower elite enjoy.
it prompted me to do a little digging.
when the leaflet 'dress and grooming for visitors touring bethel' was published a few years ago, i thought the room below looked familiar.
Mickey mouse
On another forum, someone recently started a thread asking what sort of lifestyle the Watchtower elite enjoy. It prompted me to do a little digging. When the leaflet 'Dress and Grooming for Visitors Touring Bethel' was published a few years ago, I thought the room below looked familiar. I remembered being blown away by the opulence of the Towers Hotel building where I was told a number of the Governing Body were living at the time of my visit. I don't know if the buidling has been sold as part of the org's plan to move out of Brooklyn but it was at that time occupied by more senior Bethelites.
I found this blog and sure enough, there's the room I remembered.
How much do you suppose it would cost to rent prime real estate like this?
How truly happy are you?
by Freeof1914 ini am just curious to hear of some you who have left the org completely, how happy are you?
in my situation i feel like i am on a precipice and about to make a leap into the unknown.
since i have told my family elders and wife that i will mo longer go to the meetings or out on service i feel as if a load has been lifted.
Mickey mouse
I felt elated and like a load had been lifted when I finally talked to my family about my feelings.
I must warn you though that this trip is a rollercoaster. This is a cult after all, they don't let you leave just like that. My life is dreadful right now but at the end of the 'river of shit' I know I will come out clean.
Compare Americans and Brits based on their level of Intelligence
by Mr Facts inwhich of the two is considered to be more of an intelectual?.
which of them has produced one of the most brilliant people?..
which of the two societies is considered more advanced than the other?.
Mickey mouse
I Rab.
Compare Americans and Brits based on their level of Intelligence
by Mr Facts inwhich of the two is considered to be more of an intelectual?.
which of them has produced one of the most brilliant people?..
which of the two societies is considered more advanced than the other?.
Mickey mouse
Don't know about the Nesbitt fellow
The first time I've heard Rab C Nesbitt and Stephen Fry mentioned together.